

Please read the terms of the Agreement carefully before using our website Insulin.Store. If you do not agree with the terms, do not use our site.

This Agreement governs the relationship between the Site Owner (Insulin Pharmacy) and you (hereinafter referred to as the User) arising in connection with the use of the Site.


The Agreement establishes the rules and conditions for the use of the Site by Users who, after or without registration, use the Site and its services, become Users of the Site and the services provided by the Owner.

This Agreement on the use of the Site is concluded between the Owner and any User. Referring to any of the sections of the Site, as well as placing links to it, quoting and reprinting the Content of the Site, imply the legally binding consent of the User to full and unconditional compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

This Agreement is not a contract. The Site Owner reserves the right to both change this Agreement and enter a new one. Such changes take effect from the moment they are posted on the Site. The use by the User of the materials of the Site after the change in the Agreement automatically means their acceptance.

If you (the User) do not agree to abide by the Agreement, do not use the Site, and if you are a registered User, immediately stop using the Site.

The purpose of the Site is to familiarize the User with the Content of the Site and to provide information support for the Users.

Any illegal use of this Site, the Information posted on it, and other materials is prohibited.

Nothing in the Agreement can be interpreted or understood as the establishment between the Owner and the User of agency relations, partnership relations, joint activity relations, personal employment relations, or other relations not expressly provided for in the Agreement.

Terms of use of Information and other materials of the Site

Any use of the Information and materials of the Site is allowed only with the permission of the Site Owner. The use of the Site Information means any reproduction, distribution, processing, and other methods of use provided by the jurisdiction of the courts of Canada.

Any use of the Information and other materials posted on the Site requires the written permission of the Site Owner, indicating the method of permitted use and terms of use.

An Automatic Subscription to Email Campaign

The registration on the Site assumes an automatic subscription of the User’s email address to the list of the Site’s email campaign. The User can unsubscribe from it in a manual way at any time.

User’s rights and obligations

The User undertakes to use the Site only for legal purposes, to comply with the current legislation of Canada, as well as the rights and legitimate interests of the Owner and copyright holders, whose Content is posted on the Site.

The User is obliged not to use the Site to register more than one Account for the same person.

The User is obliged to refrain from taking actions aimed at destabilizing the operation of the Site, making attempts to unauthorized access to the Site, as well as from taking any other actions that violate the rights of the Owner and/or third parties.

The User undertakes not to send through the Site materials that are advertising of any goods or services without obtaining the prior written consent of the Owner. The User undertakes not to use the Site for advertising or other promotion of the sale of any goods and services.

The User has no right to reproduce, repeat, copy, sell, resell, or use in any way for any commercial purposes the Site and (or) any parts of the Site content without the consent of the Owner.

The User has the right to stop using the Site and abandon the Account created by him by sending the Owner to the e-mail address info@insulin.store from his/her e-mail address specified during Registration, a request to delete the Account from the Site. The Administrator deletes the User’s account within 10 (ten) business days after receiving his/her request that meets the conditions specified above.

The User is obliged to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of the User’s Account data (including e-mail address, login and password) and is responsible for all actions taken on the Site under his account. In connection with the above, the User is obliged to log out of his/her Account (end each session by clicking the “Log out” button) before going to third-party sites or closing the browser (Internet browser). The User is obliged to immediately notify the Owner of any cases of access to the Site by third parties under the User’s account. The User has no right to transfer, assign, sell, transfer for use, etc. Account on the Site to third parties without the consent of the Owner.

The User is obliged to periodically update the personal information that he/she provided during Registration to ensure its accuracy, relevance, and completeness.

The User is fully responsible for any actions taken using his/her Account, as well as for any consequences that could have resulted or resulted from such use of it.

The User is obliged to use the information received on the Site solely for legal and personal non-commercial purposes that do not contradict moral principles and generally recognized values.

The User agrees not to try to change or modify any part of the Site, as well as not to use the Site and the Content posted on it for commercial purposes.

Users are responsible for their own actions in connection with the creation and posting of comments, messages, or reviews on the Site, as well as in connection with the posting of information in the Account in accordance with the current legislation of Canada.

When using the Site, the User is prohibited from downloading, storing, publishing, distributing, and providing access or otherwise using any information that:

  • contains threats, discredits, offends, denigrates honor and dignity or business reputation, or violates the privacy of other Users or third parties;
  • is vulgar or obscene, contains obscene language, contains pornographic or sexual content;
  • contains a description of the means and methods of suicide, any incitement to commit it;
  • promotes and/or contributes to the incitement of racial, religious, ethnic hatred or enmity, promotes fascism or the ideology of racial superiority;
  • promotes criminal activity or contains advice, instructions, or guidelines for the commission of criminal acts;
  • contains information of limited access, including, but not limited to, state and commercial secrets, information about the private life of third parties;
  • contains advertisements;
  • is fraudulent;
  • is the intellectual property of third parties that did not give permission to the User to use it, and also violates other rights and interests of citizens, legal entities, or the requirements of Canadian legislation.

The User is obliged to fulfill other obligations established by the Agreement, to follow the instructions and requirements of the Owner.

Owner’s rights and obligations

The Owner’s obligations are solely to ensure the provision of the technical possibility for the User to obtain demo access to the Site in the manner determined by the Agreement.

The Owner reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change or delete any information published on the Site, as well as photo and video content, and any elements and components of the Site, to suspend, restrict or terminate the User’s access to all or any of the sections/modules Site at any time for any reason or without explanation, with or without prior notice (at the Owner’s discretion). At the same time, the Parties agree that the Owner is not responsible for any harm that may be caused to the User by such actions.

The Owner has the right to establish any restrictions on the use of the Site, at any time to change the Agreement unilaterally without obtaining the consent of the User.

The Owner has the right to send messages to Users to the E-mail specified by the User during Registration, containing organizational, technical, or other information. If the Owner becomes aware that the Email of the registered User does not exist or is invalid, the Registration of the corresponding User will be suspended.

The Owner has the right to provide the User with the opportunity to create a single personal Account. If the User creates more than one Account, the Owner reserves the right to refuse to create a duplicate Account by the User and/or to refuse the User to use the Site.

The Owner has the right to post advertising and/or other information in any section of the Site.

The Owner is obliged not to take the following actions:

  • post any files that contain or may contain viruses and other malware;
  • describe or promote criminal activity, post instructions or guidelines for the commission of criminal acts;
  • post on the Site any information that violates the exclusive rights of Users or third parties.

The Owner has the right not to engage in preliminary moderation or censorship of comments and feedback from Users and to take actions to protect the rights and interests of individuals and ensure compliance with the requirements of Canadian legislation only after the interested person has contacted the Owner in the manner prescribed by the Owner and/or other cases provided for by the Agreement.

The Owner is not responsible for third parties gaining access to the Users’ personal information if such access became possible through the fault of the Users or as a result of illegal actions of third parties.

Responsibility. Limitation of Liability

The User expressly agrees that the Information Materials about Medicines posted on the Website Insulin.Store, serve for information purposes only and cannot serve as a recommendation for use or as a source of information on self-medication and can be used exclusively with a doctor’s prescription and under medical supervision if the other is not expressly provided for by the current legislation of Canada.

The Site is not intended for Users who have not reached the age of majority and for disabled Users. In the event of an accidental visit to the Site, such Users are obliged to leave it. The Owner of the Site is not responsible for any undesirable consequences in case of failure to comply with this requirement by the Users.

Users of the Site from jurisdictions other than Canada should use the Medicines Information in accordance with the rules that apply in the territory of such jurisdictions.

The Site Owner is not responsible for any damage caused to your health in connection with the independent use of the Information posted on the Site. The User is fully responsible for any misinterpretation that may arise as a result of viewing, reading, or copying the materials contained on the Site, and thus no legal or natural person can be responsible for the use of the said materials. Under no circumstances, responsibility for the consequences that directly or indirectly entailed the use of the Site Content cannot be assigned to the Site Owner and be the basis for legal prosecution.

The services of the Site are provided on an “as is” basis without guarantees of any kind, both direct and indirect. The User voluntarily refuses from legal and administrative prosecution of the Website Owner and any claims for compensation for possible harm caused to the User’s health.

The content of the Site is provided without a guarantee that it cannot contain errors. The Owner of the Site has the right to change the Content of the Site, including, without any restrictions moving or deleting the Content of the Site, at its sole discretion, for any reason or no reason, at any time and without prior announcement of such changes.

The Owner guarantees not to disclose the User’s data obtained during the registration, except as otherwise provided by the legislation of Canada.

The User is fully responsible for the safety of his/her Login and Password and for losses that may arise due to their loss or unauthorized use of his Account. The Owner is not responsible and does not compensate for losses incurred due to unauthorized use by third parties of the User’s Login and Password. All actions performed by a visitor who is authorized with the User’s Login and Password are considered as actions of the User. The User is fully responsible for all actions performed by an authorized person on his behalf.

The Owner is not responsible for any damage to the electronic devices of the User or another person, mobile devices, any other equipment or software caused or associated with the use of the Site.

The Owner is not liable to the User or any third parties for the User’s actions on the Site.

The Owner is not responsible for the violation by the User of the Agreement and reserves the right, at its sole discretion, as well as upon receipt of information from any third parties about the violation by the User of the Agreement or the rights and interests of third parties, to change (moderate) or delete any information published by the User, and also suspend, restrict, or terminate the User’s access to all or any of the sections of the Site at any time for any reason or without explanation, with or without prior notice, without being responsible for any harm that may be caused to the User by such action.

In the event that third parties present claims to the Owner related to the use of the Site by the User, the User undertakes, on his own and at his own expense, to settle these claims with third parties, protecting the Owner from possible losses and proceedings.

The Site may contain links to other resources on the Internet. The User acknowledges and agrees that the Owner does not control and does not bear any responsibility for the availability of these resources and for their content, as well as for any consequences associated with the use of these resources. Any transitions on the links made by the User, the latter makes at his own peril and risk.

The Site Owner does not guarantee the uninterrupted and error-free operation of the Site; it is also not guaranteed that such will be both the results obtained during the use of the Site and the accuracy and applicability of its materials.


Registered trademarks, marks for goods and services, trade names mentioned on the Site are the property of their respective owners.

Final provisions

The Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period and extends its effect to Users who access and use the Site, both before the date of publication of the Agreement and after the date of its publication on the Site.

If, for one reason or another, any of the terms of the Agreement are invalid or unenforceable, this does not affect the validity or applicability of the remaining terms of the Agreement.

The agreement and relations between the Owner and the User are governed in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. The parties to the Agreement undertake to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Ukraine in the event of disputes of a legal nature related to the Agreement or the Site.

The Parties agreed that all disputes arising from the relations of the Parties governed by this Agreement must be resolved in the competent court at the location of the Owner with the obligatory observance of the pre-trial claim procedure for resolving disputes established by the Agreement.

If the User does not fully understand the terms of this Agreement or does not agree with any of the points set forth in the Agreement, he must leave the pages of the Site.

Entire agreement

The Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period and extends its effect to Users who access and use the Site, both before the date of publication of the Agreement and after the date of its publication on the Site.

If for one reason or another, any of the terms of the Agreement are invalid or unenforceable, this does not affect the validity or applicability of the remaining terms of the Agreement.

The agreement and relations between the Owner and the User are governed in accordance with the legislation of Canada. The parties to the Agreement undertake to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Canada in the event of disputes of a legal nature related to the Agreement or the Site.

The Parties agreed that all disputes arising from the relations of the Parties governed by this Agreement must be resolved in the competent court at the location of the Owner with the obligatory observance of the pre-trial claim procedure for resolving disputes established by the Agreement.

If the User does not fully understand the terms of this Agreement or does not agree with any of the points set forth in the Agreement, he/she must leave the pages of the Site.

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